Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to Use Your Money to Make Enemies

1. Plan a huge outing with your friends; you’re all seated around a table, place a large order of food and drink for yourself; eat your food alone, while they all watch longingly.

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2. While your friend is celebrating their new Tokunbo car; say ‘Oh that reminds me’, and place a phone call to a car dealer, ordering for the latest, brand-new version of the same car, to add to your fleet.

3. When you drive your brand new car into your neighborhood, be sure to splash muddy water all over the first set of people you come across.

4. Walk into a club during this time of recession, order bottles of champagne which you’ll pop loudly and pour all over yourself Image and video hosting by TinyPic

5. When you’re at an event with a friend or family member who is complaining about not being able to pay their bills, bring out the exact amount of money they need from your pocket, and start spraying people with it.

6. Tell your friends who stuck with you when you were broke, that they have to understand that your levels have changed, so you need to move with the big boys

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Blinged-out Barack

7. When you’re having a conversation and anyone disagrees with you, tell them, ‘What do you know, will you come on and shut up until you make some money’.

8. At work, tell your subordinates, ‘In 10 years, with a lot of hard work, prayer and fasting, you can earn as much as I did 10years ago’.

9. When your friend shows you a new watch he/she just bought, you scream in horror and say, ‘such cheap things can give you skin allergies’.

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