Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How To Make a Marriage Proposal that will get you Dumped

Tip 1: Angrily tell your partner, “Look I’m sick and tired of all this pressure to get married. Let’s just do this and get it over with.” When he/she looks shocked, say; “What is it because I’m not on my knees?” Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tip 2: Produce a plastic ring you collected from your little niece and present to your partner saying, “When you prove to me that your love is not plastic, I’ll upgrade you.” Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tip 3: Search for a proposal online, then copy via email to your partner without bothering to change the name of the original person being proposed to.

Tip 4: Get creative and shoot a bad music video with lots of booty shaking and bling bling, while you sing the proposal. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tip 5: Get all romantic by going on your knees, producing a diamond ring, and proposing with very beautiful words only to pause as you admire a passing female and begin to shout catcalls at her.
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Tip 6: Tell your partner, “I’m the best thing that’s ever going to happen to you, so hold on to me now before you lose an opportunity of a lifetime”

Tip 7: Hold out a panti gold ring to your partner and complain the entire time about how much you had to spend on it. Then ask her that since she’s the one who’ll be wearing the ring why she should refund the money to you.

Tip 8: Tell your partner, “All I’m looking for is someone that’ll finally say yes to me; Will you be that one?”

Tip 9: If you propose and your partner says yes, start wailing and say “Wetin now, you no fit say no!!”