Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How To Be the House Guest from Hell

Tip 1: Barge into the house in such a way that everyone will think its robbers and scatter. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tip 2: Walk onto the nice carpet or shiny floor with your dirty shoes; then fall on the couch and place your filthy feet on it. If anyone looks at you funny, ask them if they’ve never seen a person resting before.
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Tip 3: Go into the toilet and make loud noises that will shake the house. When you come out, announce to everyone that for their own safety they shouldn’t enter there for the next one week. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tip 4: Do the Natty style and arrive just as every meal is getting ready. Then say ‘I meet you well’, with a huge smile.
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Tip 5: Always come visiting armed with one story or the other that even the little baby knows is a big lie
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Tip 6: When you’re leaving, hide as many souvenirs as possible in your bag, inside your trousers, in your cap and even in your shoe.
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Tip 7: Ask to stay for one weekend; don’t let them know that your idea of ‘a weekend’ means for the next 2 years.
Tip 8: Always start arguments and controversy, so that by the time you’re leaving, the family is throwing pots and pans at each other
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Tip 9: Appoint yourself as the official broadcaster of everything that happens in the house you visit.
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