Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How To End A Relationship Looking Like the Bad Guy

9 Tips on How to End a Relationship looking like the Bad Guy

Tip 1: the moment you decide it’s not working, don’t talk about it with your partner, just start acting different; they’ll get the message.

Tip 2: Put your partner down at every opportunity you get so that their morale is very low as you leave

Tip 3: Ask for a break you know will never end

Tip 4: Start sending hate mail to your partner and slander him to everyone you meet.

Tip 5: Name all the things you did for your partner during the relationship and let everyone know who he/she really is

Tip 6: Get revenge on your partner by getting with someone special to him/her e.g. best friend

Tip 7: Do a J-Lo and bail out once the going gets rough.

Tip 8: Let your partner know that you never loved them, you were just passing time.

Tip 9: Show that you’ve seen the relationship as a competition the entire time by declaring yourself the ‘WINNER’

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